
The club committee meets eight times a year. The committee is elected each October at the Annual General Meeting and typically serves for one calendar year.

Minutes of committee meetings will be made available to members on request.

Current and Previous Club Committees

Honorary Life President  Ean Parsons

YearChairTreasurerSecretaryCommittee MemberCommittee MemberCommittee MemberCommittee MemberCommittee MemberCommittee MemberCommittee Member
2024/25Sue DobsonRoger WhitehillBeth RaineAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsFay UphillGary ForsterEnya KillenTrina PriceCat Miller
2023/24Jane SpinkRoger WhitehillBeth RaineAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsFay UphillGary ForsterSue DobsonStuart ParkEnya Killen
2022/23Jane SpinkRoger WhitehillBeth RaineAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsFay UphillGary ForsterSue DobsonStuart Park
2021/22Pete KingRoger WhitehillBeth RaineAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsMike WoodFay UphillGary Forster
2020/21Pete KingRoger WhitehillBeth RaineAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsMike WoodFay UphillGary Forster
2019/20Pete KingRoger WhitehillAlda HummelinckAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsMike WoodFay UphillGary Forster
2018/19Pete KingRoger WhitehillAlda HummelinckDavid GrahamAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsMike Wood
2017/18Philip HoughtonRoger WhitehillAlda HummelinckDavid GrahamAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsEllen GuestJane Spink
2016/17Philip HoughtonRoger WhitehillAlda HummelinckDavid GrahamAndy FeatherstoneSheree LyonsEllen Guest
2015/16Philip HoughtonRoger WhitehillDeborah PennickDavid SawyerDavid GrahamAndy FeatherstoneSarah StokerKev Archbold 
2014/15Ean ParsonsRoger WhitehillJoanne Shaw-DunnMarie WalkerDavid SawyerPhilip HoughtonDavid Graham
2013/14Ean ParsonsRoger WhitehillGail BellScott HydonMarie WalkerDavid Sawyer
2012/13Ean ParsonsRoger WhitehillGail Bell Scott HydonMarie Walker 
2011/12Ean ParsonsRoger WhitehillGail Bell Scott HydonMarie Walker 
2010/11Ean ParsonsRoger WhitehillGail BellScott HydonJonathan WallaceMarie Walker
2009/10Ean ParsonsRosie SimsJo JamesScott HydonJonathan WallaceMatthew Jones
2008/09Ean ParsonsRosie SimsJo JamesScott HydonJonathan WallaceMatthew Jones
2007/08Ean ParsonsRosie SimsJo JamesScott HydonJonathan WallaceMatthew Jones
2006/07Ean ParsonsRosie SimsJo JamesScott HydonJonathan WallaceMatthew Jones
2005/06Ean ParsonsRosie SimsJeanette IvesScott HydonJonathan WallaceMatthew Jones