
Sedgefield Harriers has a thriving and successful junior section.  We cater for young athletes from school year 3 (8 years).  All of our coaches are very committed, experienced and knowledgeable volunteers who go out of their way to ensure sessions are interactive and fun, and that all young athletes get the most out of them. Younger children (school years 3, 4 and 5) are encouraged to develop skills for running, jumping, throwing and sprinting, and from school year 6 (age 11 onwards) young people can choose if they’d like to focus on sprints or endurance.  Our athletes are encouraged to compete when they are ready and they are carefully supported as they take the steps to fulfil their potential and cope with competing.

Sedgefield Harriers provides a welcoming, supportive and safe environment for all athletes.

All our coaches and coaching assistants are DBS cleared.


If a young person would like to join Sedgefield Harriers – great! The sessions and age groups are listed below.

Please contact Andy Featherstone, our membership secretary, if your young person would like to join: a.p.featherstone@hotmail.co.uk. Assuming there’s a space, the parent will then be sent a link to an online data entry form that asks about data sharing preferences, important contact details and any medical conditions that the coaches need to be aware of. Once registered, you will be sent an electronic invitation for payment from the England Athletics portal. 

If you have a subsequent query, for example if your child is on a waiting list and you would like an update, please email junior coach Sheree Lyons on shereelyons77@googlemail.com.


When it comes to renewing the juniors’ membership, you will be sent an electronic invitation for payment from the England Athletics portal. If the young person joined after the summer holidays in September, then they can renew for another term in January. In April, you will be given the opportunity to renew for a full year to receive a £5 discount (£55 per year), although the option to pay per term (£20 per term) will also still be available. 


Regardless of age, school year or group, juniors can either pay three termly payments of £20 or one annual fee of £55 (saving £5). The electronic invitation for payment from the England Athletics portal will default to annual membership but if you’d prefer to pay in terms, please contact the club’s membership secretary.

Junior members joining later on in the year (i.e. September or January) will pay £20 per term until they get the opportunity to get single payment discount in April.


School Year Details Lead Coach Aims
Strength & Conditioning (9+) Monday 6pm-8pm
Sedgefield Community College
Ean Parsons

Develop strength and conditioning, general fitness and technique for athletics

*  N.B. this session is a joint session with the senior section (see Sessions)

Minors (3,4,5) Wednesday 6pm-7pm
Sedgefield Community College
Colin Gandy Develop fundamental skills and foundation skills of running, jumping and throwing
Endurance (6+) Wednesday 6pm-7pm
Sedgefield Community College
David Graham Development of endurance running (sessions will start at the College but may run elsewhere)
Sprints (6+) Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm
Sedgefield Community College
Frances Barlow Development of athletic skills needed for sprinting

Mutual expectations

The club has designed a document for parents that sets out what you and your children can expect from our coaches and the club, but also what the club would expect in return in order to make sure that the sessions continue to be safe, well organised and enjoyable for all, which will therefore enable your child(ren) to get the most out of them and progress to the best athletes that they can be!


Girls’ Records * Boys’ Records