I only started running 5km at Sedgefield Parkrun last August and liked the idea of trying different 5kms.
I had been taking part in the junior series for quite a few years which was 2km but they stopped doing the junior races this season.
The series took place between October – March. There were six races in total, two at Tess Barrage, and one each at Cowpen Bewley, Preston Park, Wynyard Woods and Ropner Park. I did all of them apart from Preston Park (which was a shame as this was the one where they gave out selection boxes!). Each of the venues was completely different. Tees Barrage was pretty flat, Cowpen Bewley was the other extreme and has a big hill and is always very muddy! I enjoyed Wynyard as I liked running through the woods but there was a section where you have to run up a lot of steps….I ran up them but a lot of people were walking up them! Ropner Park was the last one of the series and was more like a more parkrun as all on path instead of trail. Although it was a nice lap of the park I didn’t really enjoy doing the same lap 3 times.
This series was mostly adults but I did enjoy doing it. It was well organised and everyone was really friendly to me and adults often came up to me after the race to shake my hand and say well done….even the ones who were trying to beat me at the finish. One man said he was pleased he had overtaken me only for me to sprint past him at the finish! I would recommend this series to other juniors as this year I think there was only me and David Edwards taking part.
By Thomas Rowe
Editor’s note. Thomas is extremely modest about his running, as evidenced by his excellent results, such as here at Ropner: https://events.stockton.gov.uk/media/1997/ropner-park-results-2019.pdf