I decided about 5 weeks ago to give this run ago. As I am fairly new to the Sedgefield Harriers family I thought that a 5k race would be nice for a change (short).
I am a keen gym member and go most mornings when everybody is still in bed (it’s the only time I get to do it). I normally do weights a couple of days and a couple of classes as well. Four weeks ago doing star jumps!! I rolled over on my ankle which has resulted in me not running. My husband Richy says I have done nothing but twist as I have not been out running, so I have just been walking the dogs instead.
Anyway, enough twisting. The journey to the race was very easy to find and well described on the actual race page. There were loads of parking places and as usual I had a panic on thinking that I was going to be late, however we had plenty of time for at least 4 toilet visits (ha ha this is normal). I always get really nervous before a race even though I have been running for a couple of years. The registration was straightforward and easy as my details were already listed and there was no queue. I like this time of the event as I like to talk to different people to get their feedback on the race and also check out how many fit people are about!!

There was a slight nip in the air, however I was brave enough to just put a t-shirt under my Harriers vest instead of a long sleeve top. Again this is something I always do before a run, I put too many layers on, and Jane Spink rocks on up in a vest and shorts. It was lovely to see so many Harriers at the start and made my nerves drop a little bit. In fact I think we had the majority of runners for a specific club. I got talking to Stuart who was giving me the run-down of the race. He did say that there was one slight hill and unfortunately you have to tackle this twice. Apart from that it was a nice race. Bingo!
I am not sure what is worse, knowing the route or not knowing the route?

The first mile into the race and I felt good, no niggles, so far so good. If you closed your eyes for just 1 second (only kidding I didn’t do this really) you would have thought it was a summer’s day i n July; nope it was 24th February. Fantastic weather. Anyway back to the race, we tapered off in to the woods and it wasn’t too muddy and was well marshalled throughout.
Coming in for the final stretch and yes I knew what was coming, the final hill, However I seemed to attack it as I knew the finishing line was just straight after and downhill. I finished the race in 24 minutes, well that’s what my Fitbit says. Very pleased with my time especially with my ankle not being 100%.
A very well organised and friendly race and pleased I took part and will definitely do it again. I look forward to people updating Facebook with future runs just so that I know what to enter next please.
By Lisa Martin
Results: https://events.stockton.gov.uk/media/1967/tees-barrage-5k-feb-results-2019.pdf